'The Travel Detective' Explains How Airlines Became A 'Mafia'
"Here's a quick tip from a veteran traveler for the next time you're taking a flight: When you get to the airport, disavow the departure time you see on the board. Instead, take the gate number and see what time the next flight is arriving there."
"'Departure boards haven't told the truth since 1947. All the departure board is really telling you is what time the plane issupposed to leave,' says Peter Greenberg, 'The Travel Detective,' who is an author and travel editor for CBS News. 'If nothing's arriving at that gate until next Tuesday, why would you ever go to that gate? You're not going.'"
"The key to traveling, he says, is to get information before everyone else and adjust your plans first. If you're counting on the airlines to send you alerts, it's already too late."
"Any tiny advantage is good in the world of airline travel — with small seats, diminishing free food options, more baggage charges, and large-scale computer problems causing cancellations."