Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 12:00PM
Drew Wolfe

Cities And States Are Saying No To Cashless Shops

"After almost 10 minutes of standing in line at a coffee shop, Ritchie Torres realized he only had cash in his pocket — a form of payment no longer accepted by this store."

"'It was a humiliating experience,' he said. 'I remember wondering aloud, how could a business refuse to accept cash, which is legal tender?'

"Torres is a City Council member in New York. He says his constituents, especially seniors, have also complained about a spurt of cashless stores. So Torres led the charge on a bill to ban businesses from rejecting cash, which New York's city leaders passed almost unanimously last month."

"A similar ban is slated for a hearing in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 13. In the past year, PhiladelphiaSan Francisco and the state of New Jersey have also banned cashless stores — a rare case of governments fighting a tech trend before it spreads far. Massachusetts has required establishments to accept cash since 1978."

Article originally appeared on WorldWideWolfe II (http://drewhwolfe.com/).
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