Welcome to the latest edition of WorldWideWolfe. Now that I am retired I am going to change the focus of my webpage from a personal/professional webpage to one that expresses my thoughts and ideas about the world and universe in which we live. Another section will be devoted to my new passion, photography. Even though I am retired I will always be a chemistry educator. Thus, I plan to discuss chemistry, physics, and astronomy discoveries and their impact on our world. Finally, you will be able to hear my thoughts on the books, movies, molecules, art, and NPR shows.

Some of the areas of WorldWideWolfe II that I will be developing are as follows:

1. RANToftheDay, and QUOTEoftheDay

2. PICTUREoftheDay, PHOTOSHOPpictureoftheDay, iPhonePictureoftheDay and a Photo Gallery

3. VIDEOoftheDay

4. MyAudiobookReviews and MyKindleBookReviews

5. SCIENCEthoughts including pages dealing with physics, chemistry, and astronomy

6. Art Selections, some of my favorite works of art

7. NPR Picks, selections from National Public Radio

8. Molecules , some of my favorite molecules

9. Movies, a selection of movies that I have seen or would like to see

I welcome your input and comments about anything you see on WorldWideWolfe II. Finally, you can see my other webpages by going to Drew's Links. This will take you to my old webpage plus my photo galleries .