1Q84 is probably the best book that I have ever "read." Over my 67 years I have read thousands of books, some of the greatest books, but 1Q84 is probably the best. Murakami is an amazing author who can deliver more than most other successful authors.
I will not even try to describe the plot of 1Q84 because it contains things such as: two moons in the sky, miniature angels or demons called “Little People,” ghosts knocking on the door demanding payment, insemination-by-proxy, and air chrysalises which are cocoons created by the Little People in which pod-like human replicas, called dohta, are born.
I highly recommend that you read some of Murakami's other works before embarking on 1Q84. I suggest that you begin with Norwegian Wood, The Windup Bird Chronicle, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, and Kafka on the Shore before you begin reading 1Q84. Your reading time will be well spent and your horizons and vistas will be expanded.
I also recommend that you read Charles Baxter's review in The New York Review of Books entitled Behind Murakami's Mirror.