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Lian Hearn

The less people think of you, the more they will reveal to you or in your presence.

I believe the test of government is the contentment of the people.

It's like a spell. It's so strong I can't fight it. Is love always like this?

When illusions are shattered by truth, talent is set free.

How was it possible for the world to be so beautiful and so cruel at the same time?

But just as the river is always at the door, so is the world always outside. And it is in the world that we have to live.

It's what you do to yourself when you go mad with rage. You have no idea how much you can hurt yourself with your own strength.

She entered a state where prayer and poetry became one and the everyday world seemed full of holiness and significance.

The best way is to be strong enough to make your enemy think twice about attacking you, yet not so aggressive that he feels threatened. Keep your sword sheathed as long as you can, but once it is unsheathed, use it without hesitation.

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