May your feet ever walk in the light of two suns... and may the moonshadow never fall on you. . .
In my experience, nothing worthwhile has ever really been all that easy. But it certainly has been worthwhile regardless how difficult it seemed
A genius is someone who takes a complex thing and makes it look simple. An academic does the opposite.
You or I might think that at least one would show courage and put up a fight. But neither you nor I have suffered as they, and even we have born witness in silence to lesser ills under less dire threat. Yet, in the face of evil, to sit silent is an even greater evil. Complacency is ever the enabler of darkest deeds.
Dominance. Control. These things the unjust seek most of all. And so it is the duty of the just to defy dominance and to challenge control.
To be me is to be different. . .
To all those women -- strong enough to be heroes; fair enough to be ladies. This song is for you
Under tyranny it is right to be a rebel!
Someone smashed a flutterfler and without even thinking she touched her Stone and used Wyrd to piece its broken body back together. She filled its empty vessels with dreams and it became the stuff it used for blood. It brushed her cheek with its wings, then flew off -- dancing in the hot air.
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