You feel other people’s pain deeply.” “Well don’t know bout all that but I know what it’s like ta lose a daughter. They gonna be in a haze for a long time ta come. It’ll be all they think bout.” “Does it get easier over time?” “No, it don’t. But you learn to function anyway.
You are dealing with national security. Anything labeled a national security issie is taken out from the system. There is no due process, no lawyers. They may do with us what they wish. Fear is a government's greatest weapon. With it, they can convince a people that they need to abandon their freedom. In exchange, they get safety. Of course, you just trade one monster for another, but by the time the people realize this, it is too late.
Secrets had the power to make people stick together against the rest of the world.
That’s all that matters—how well you can walk through flames.
Every dictator in history has made that same speech, Bob. Hitler thought he was fighting for the greater good, too. Isn’t it odd that the most defenseless always need to be the ones sacrificed for the greater good?
I’m not a Marxist by any means, but he had a point when he said that philosophers just want to interpret the world when the point is to change it.
You wanna know why people are so devastated when things like this happen? Cause they don’t expect it. They expect to be happy. But that ain’t life.
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